This outfit ends up getting destroyed by the end of the episode, and when his mother suggests getting him some clothes, Rick jumps at the chance to use the transformation sequence again to restore Jerry's clothes, noting with a grin that he can just feel how much money they're saving. Rick uses a Sailor Moon Transformation Sequence to change Jerry's clothes, noting that the sequence can be used in the future to save money if Jerry ever needs a costume change again.He then transfers the money back to Goldman-Sachs just to rub it in her face. Rick makes her fortune come true by using a dark web account to hack into Goldman-Sachs, remove trillions of dollars, and completely buy out her entire business, thus fulfilling the condition and stripping away her protection. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Jennith Padrow-Chunt, the CEO of the Fortune 500 company, has a fortune that guarantees that she will become the most successful female corporate worker on the planet, an unattainable goal that makes her immortal as long as it remains unresolved.One guard gets the fortune of having infinite ammo, which leads him to accidentally shooting the guard who cannot be killed. Blessed with Suck: Two of the guards get some powers that aren't as good as they sound on paper:.Realizing she's just a wild animal that is incapable of human consent, he calmly accepts his grisly death. He doesn't see anything wrong with this until he witnesses the Lockerean killing her captors through instinct. Hucksbee, who tends to the Lockerean alien creature that makes the cookies and creates the fortunes that go in them, and wants to escape the facility and marry her so that he can have sex with her (he's a strict Catholic, so he can't have sex until he marries her). Bestiality Is Depraved: Downplayed with Old M.Aside Comment: Rick and Jerry look towards the audience to say fortune cookies are alien poop.Airvent Passageway: Rick and Jerry hide in the building's duct system to evade capture.

Abusive Offspring: Morty and Summer amp up to this by cruelly pranking Jerry over his fear of his fortune coming true.Rick and Jerry investigate a fortune cookie factory after receiving a weird fortune.